पुस्तक समीक्षा – भारतवंशी भाषा एवं संस्कृति : डॉ. विवेक मणि त्रिपाठी डॉ. विवेक मणि त्रिपाठीअसिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर (भारत अध्ययन )क्वान्ग्तोंग विदेशी भाषा विश्वविद्यालय , चीन प्रोफेसर पुष्पिता अवस्थी भारत से सुदूर देशों में हिंदी साहित्य एवं संस्कृति की उद्घोषिका एवं संरक्षिका है I ये प्रवासी भारतवंशियों के मनोगत भावों की मुखर प्रवक्ता हैं I नूतन […]
|| seeds ||
|| seeds || The woman bearswith and keeps quietlike night. The woman burnsand remains containedlike the spark. The woman moves onliving within limitslike the river. The woman blossomsand flourishes and isever hungrylike the tree. The woman drizzlesand rains and isever thirstylike clouds.The woman makesa home and alwaysremains homelesslike the birds. The woman isa resounding voicebut is silentlike the word. The woman […]
|| Toys ||
|| TOYS || Children grow toys become small the mother stores the toys to touch their leftover childhood. As soon as the children know the lie of life hidden in toys they leave home in search of the truth of life. The mother looks for their fingers hidden in their toys to forget the pain […]
|| Shreenivasi ||
|| shreenivasi || The poet Shreenivasi hassown in his native landword seeds. In his poems hehas revived Surinamefeeding ithis heart’s blood. Suriname is growingolder in the landof SurinameIn his poem Shreenivasiis young at eighty fivelike a tiller withhis plough on his shoulder. At the river-bank in New Amsterdamthe poet stands holdingthe aakaashdeep of poemthe compassionate eyeof […]
|| remembering native desires ||
|| remembering native desires || Amidst alien heat and frostThe deck of the heartlies abandoned likethe wet mark ofa memory-wound. From the boat-house of desireancient eyes scana luminous past. Absorbed in thememory of the belovedface resting between palmsholding native desiresmy palms becomeher palms. Like shamed seasonsdreams lie in a cornerof the eye. In the sun’s […]
|| the earth ||
|| the earth || The earth bearsthe pain ofbeing alive likea lonely woman. Folks scratch her innardstrample on her fortheir crazy pleasuresome decorate and preserve heras they do a lonely woman All watch the destructionthe earth too seesher slow destructionand still, throughher own powers-fireraintornadoesfloodsfaminescreates balanceagainst destructive forces. Like the lonely womanthe lonely earth saves-her verdureher rainher coolnessher fertilityher […]
|| peter brands ||
|| peter brands || Peter, you have words cordial and trustful In adverse times folks sleep in peace and dream of good times to come While you keep awake devising ways to protect the honest and the simple from adversity Your searching eyes seek the mute human civilization and the pain of wars entombed […]
|| Hanneke ||
|| Hanneke || An European womanwith an Indian heartand soul-Hanneke With open eyes she hears and sees all in silence like a still river In her eyes all see their reflectionamidst movement she sits unmoving Seeing everything herears hear-everythingthe way her eyes watch-day and night Often she thinks eyes are helpless- they see […]
|| cees maurick ||
|| cees maurick || Feet firmly planted on ground as though they grew out of the earth like some forest species of plant Reflected in his eye the blue of the sky turns bluer From the ocean the tender-hearted friend fills his heart with boundless tenderness for all Tired with the world he […]
|| prayers sublimate ||
|| prayers sublimate || Dreams float over the body and mindDeep into the night They are like migratory birds hovering overThe roof tops of European housesWho, after their sojourn in a land forlornWill head back home after the snowy winter Just like us….Ever awake, beyond the land of dreams Eventually longings transmute into prayersAnd prayers sublimate into a […]